Monthly Investment Plan

We all have goals, whether it's for a comfortable retirement, children's education, or a dream holiday. Now, with China CITIC Bank International Monthly Investment Plan, you can start building your wealth with only a small monthly contribution.

Benefits of "Monthly Investment Plan"

What is "Dollar Cost Averaging" ?

Dollar cost averaging means buying units in a fund periodically with a fixed sum, regardless of the market condition of the fund's underlying investments.

When the unit price rises, fewer units are purchased for the given amount of money. Conversely, more units are purchased for the fixed amount when the unit price drops. As a result, the impact of the market's up-and-down swings on your investment is reduced.

The Example below shows how Dollar Cost Averaging works:

Assume your monthly contribution to a fund is HK$3000

Unit Price (HK$) Units Purchased
1st Month 4 750
2nd Month 6 500
3rd Month 5 600
4th Month 7.5 400

Total Investment: HK$12,000

Total Units Purchased: 2,250

Average Unit Price: HK$5.3

The above example is for illustration purposes only and is not intended to be representation of the past or future preformance of any particular investment.