What is Robo 360 Advisory Services (“Robo 360”)?
China CITIC Bank International is proud to be the pioneer bank in Hong Kong to offer robo advisory services. Robo 360 uses a quantitative approach to provide guidance to help you build your own portfolio, keep track of the portfolio performance, and give timely rebalancing advice online. Within minutes, Robo 360 guides you to set up your customised and diversified portfolio. For each specific investment goals of yours, Robo 360 will advise you on asset allocation mix, and provide corresponding fund choices for you to construct the investment portfolio. Robo 360 gives you access to professional wealth management services at low cost in a user-friendly way anytime, anywhere.
The Power of Robo 360
Guided investment at your fingertips
With Robo 360's forefront analytical capabilities, you are provided with guided advice to keep track of your investments throughout the investment horizon. Once the portfolio is constructed, its performance will be monitored with rebalancing alerts when required. You can simply login to the inMotion app to start investing with Robo 360 — at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. There is no more hassle of physical meetings.
Diversify your investments
Robo 360 assists and facilitates you to set your financial goals, make suitable investment decisions and build your own portfolio based on quantitative models. Robo 360 helps customers build a diversified portfolio by suggesting an asset allocation among various investment funds.
Low cost and low minimum investment amount
Robo 360 does not require any subscription fees. You will only need to pay an all-inclusive Advisory Service Fee1 for the all-round services provided by Robo 360. The minimum investment amount to start investing with Robo 360 is only HKD800. There is no lock-in period or withdrawal penalty.
Notes: (1) Please note that “Advisory Service Fee” will be charged based on the Asset Under Advice value. Please refer to Investment Products Service Fees & Charges schedule for details.
Risk disclosure specific to Robo 360 Advisory Services:
- Investment Risks
"There can be no guarantee that the Selected Portfolio will produce the desired pre-defined investment objectives, strategies and/or themes (as applicable) or results. In addition, there is no guarantee that a strategy based on historical information will produce the desired pre-defined investment objectives, strategies and/or themes (as applicable) or results in the future, and if market dynamics change, the effectiveness of the strategy may be limited.
- Market Risks
The price of Securities may move up or down, or Securities may become valueless due to adverse market conditions, suspension of stocks from trading, termination of funds, etc. The Securities in which a Selected Portfolio seeks investment exposure can perform differently from each other at any given time (as well as over the long term). Any fluctuations in value of one or more Securities comprising the Selected Portfolio could affect the overall value of the Selected Portfolio. In the worst-case scenario, the Securities comprising the Selected Portfolio could become valueless. This will also affect the ability of the Selected Portfolio to meet the desired pre-defined investment objectives, strategies and/or themes (as applicable) or results, and the Selected Portfolio may become no longer suitable for me/us.
- Rebalancing Risks
In order to achieve the pre-defined investment objectives, strategies and/or themes (as applicable) of a Selected Portfolio, the Selected Portfolio will be subject to review, and if necessary, Rebalancing or adjustments of the composition and/or weighting of the Securities or asset classes. Whilst the Bank may provide Rebalancing Alerts as it may determine appropriate after its review or upon occurrence of specific events, the Bank will not execute any Rebalancing Instruction automatically. If I/we do not provide Rebalancing Instructions to the Bank or there is any delay in providing such Rebalancing Instructions, the Selected Portfolio may become no longer suitable for me/us and I/we shall bear such consequences. When I/we receive Rebalancing Alerts, I/we shall take into consideration such implications and make my/our own risk assessment, seek professional advice where necessary and make my/our own decision. Also, I/we shall inform the Bank promptly if there are any changes to my/our information provided to the Bank (including the information provided in my/our Investor Risk Analysis forms), and I/we agree that the Bank shall not be liable or responsible for any losses that result or arise from my/our failure or delay in providing correct, accurate or up-to-date information.
When the Bank processes my/our Rebalancing Instruction, whilst the intention is to keep the market value of the Selected Portfolio unchanged by having estimated proceeds from selling and buying Securities largely the same, the actual execution can deviate from the intention. This can result in an increase or decrease of market value of the Selected Portfolio. Where the actual sales proceeds are insufficient to fund the purchase of Securities, additional funding will be required from me/us. If I/we fail to provide additional funding, some or all of the Securities may not be purchased.
The purchase of Securities will take place as soon as possible after the sale of Securities has been processed. It may be possible that market conditions have changed when the purchase of Securities takes place.
- Partial Execution Risks
Due to market conditions, suspension of trades, drastic movements of prices, temporary suspension of Robo 360 Advisory Services, etc., it may be possible that the Bank cannot fully execute an instruction to purchase or sell all the Securities comprising a Selected Portfolio. In such a case, I/we may only have a partially executed Selected Portfolio which may not achieve the pre-defined investment objectives, strategies and/or themes (as applicable) set for such Selected Portfolio, and my/our holding of Securities comprising the partially executed Selected Portfolio may not be suitable for me/us. I/We shall take into consideration such implications and make my/our own risk assessment and seek professional advice, where necessary.
- Termination/Suspension of Robo 360 Advisory Services
The Bank has the sole and absolute discretion to terminate or suspend the Robo 360 Advisory Services. If the Robo 360 Advisory Services are terminated or suspended, upon termination or during the period of suspension, the Bank will not be obliged to provide any Robo 360 Advisory Services (including the provision of any Selected Portfolio on the Platform, provision of any Rebalancing Alerts, and receiving, processing or executing any instructions in relation to any Selected Portfolio). Also, after I/we dispose of the entire Selected Portfolio, the Bank will not, and shall be released from any obligation to, provide further Rebalancing Alert to me/us in respect of such Selected Portfolio. I/We understand and agree with the risks and consequences that arise therefrom, including that the Selected Portfolios may no longer be suitable for me/us and may not achieve or maintain the pre-defined investment objectives, strategies and/or themes (as applicable) of such Selected Portfolio.
- Regulatory Risks
If my/our holding of Securities comprising the Selected Portfolio may result in any actual or potential non-compliance with any Applicable Regulations, subject to Applicable Regulations, the Bank may sell any of my/our Securities, which will result in the Selected Portfolio no longer achieving the pre-defined investment objectives, strategies and/or themes (as applicable) of such Selected Portfolio. In such a case, the Selected Portfolio may no longer be suitable for me/us.
- Investment Strategy Risks
I/We understand that the investment strategy risk of the Selected Portfolio generated by the Platform may vary according to my/our risk profile. The more aggressive my/our risk profile is, the more likely the Selected Portfolio will contain larger weights in riskier Securities or classes of Securities.
- Diversification Risks
Depending on market conditions, there may be times where diversified Portfolios perform worse than less diversified Portfolios.
- Performance Risks and Limitation of Historical Data
I/We acknowledge and agree that the information provided on the Platform may include performance data and statistics, which are derived based on historical data and methodologies which are formulated based on various assumptions. I/We understand that there are limitations on such performance information displayed on the Platform (including that past performance is not an indicator of future performance, and there could be deviations from the actual performance results). The Bank does not provide any assurance or guarantee on the performance of any Securities or Portfolios.
- Model Risks
Portfolios construction and rebalancing are generated by a model-driven process according to the portfolio construction and methodologies set out by the Bank. The model is algorithm- and rule-based instead of attempting to recommend positon taking with respect to the direction of markets. The performance of the Selected Portfolio is highly dependent on the performance of the individual underlying Securities. There is no assurance that the portfolio construction and methodologies will be successful and that the investment objectives, strategies and or themes of the Portfolio will be achieved.
Important Notes to Investment Funds:
Investment funds are investment products and some may involve derivatives. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives.
Risk Disclosure specific to Investment Funds:
- Investment funds are not equivalent to time deposits or their substitutes and provide no guarantee of return or yield on investment.
- Investors should note that investment involves risk and past performance is not indicative of future performance. The price of investment funds may go down as well as up and may become valueless. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profits made as a result of investing in investment funds. In the worst case scenario, the value of investment funds may be substantially less than your investment amount.
- You should not invest in investment funds based on this promotion page alone. Investors should consider their own investment objectives, financial resources and relevant circumstances, and read the relevant offering documents, terms and conditions and risk disclosure statements before making any investment decision.
- Investors should carefully read the relevant fund's offering documents (including the investment policy and risk factors stated therein) in detail before making any investment decision. If needed, investors should seek independent professional advice.
This promotion page does not itself constitute any offer of, or invitation by or on behalf of China CITIC Bank International Limited to any person to purchase or sell or acquire or invest in any investment products.
China CITIC Bank International Limited is an authorized institution under the Banking Ordinance and is regulated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.
This promotion page is issued by China CITIC Bank International Limited. Its contents have not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong.