Promotion terms and conditions apply. Promotion period of each offer might be varies, for details, please click here for the promotion terms and conditions or contact our branch staff.
Important Note:
Some of the investment products are structured products involving derivatives. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in the product unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. You should not invest in this product based on this promotional material alone.
Risk Disclosure Statements for Securities Trading
(1) Investment involves risks. (2) The price of securities fluctuates, sometimes dramatically. The price of securities may move down or up and may become valueless. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profits made as a result of buying or selling securities. (3) Investors should seek advice from own professional advisors as to particular tax position, including but not limited to estate duty and withholding tax that might arise from investing in overseas products. (4) If investors investing in investment products denominated in non-local currency, one should be aware of the risk of exchange rate fluctuations that may cause a loss of principal. (5) Before making any investment decision, investors should refer to the terms and conditions of relevant securities trading services and risk disclosure statements and seek professional advice where needed. (6) Renminbi (RMB) is subject to exchange rate risk. The Hong Kong dollar value of investment will decrease if the RMB depreciates against Hong Kong dollar. Conversion between RMB and other currencies (including Hong Kong dollar) is subject to policy restrictions relating to Renminbi and consequently the relevant regulatory requirements in Hong Kong. Such requirements may be amended subject to changes in the policy restrictions relating to RMB. RMB is not freely convertible at present. The actual conversion arrangement will depend on the restrictions prevailing at the relevant time.
Risk Disclosure Statement for Structured Deposit
(1) Not a time deposit – This product is NOT equivalent to, nor should it be treated as a substitute for, time deposit. It is NOT a protected deposit and is NOT protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong. (2) Principal protection at maturity ONLY – This product is principal protected ONLY IF this product is held to maturity. If this product is early terminated, you may suffer from a substantial loss due to the devaluation of the embedded derivative(s). (3) Derivatives risk – This product is embedded with a currency swap with Spot Rate and Forward Rate as prescribed in the Product Term Sheet. Generally, when buying this product, you may be subject to market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, legal risk and settlement risk. (4) Credit risk of the Bank – This product is not secured by any collateral. When you invest in this product, you will be relying on the Bank’s creditworthiness. If the Bank becomes insolvent or defaults on its obligations under this product, you can only claim as an unsecured creditor of the Bank. In the worst case, you could suffer a total loss of your deposit amount. (5) Maximum potential loss – This product is principal protected at Maturity ONLY. You may lose your entire deposit amount if the Bank defaults in performing its obligations or there has been a tremendous devaluation of the Settlement Currency you receive at maturity. (6) Limited potential gain – The maximum potential gain is limited to the interest payment to be determined by reference to the Interest Rate. (7) No secondary market – This product is not a listed security. There is no secondary market for you to sell this product prior to its maturity.(8) Not the same as buying the Underlying currency – Investing in this product is not the same as buying the Linked Currency directly. Changes in the market price of the Linked Currency may not lead to corresponding changes to the market value and/or the performance of this product. (9) Liquidity risk – This product is designed to be held till maturity. You do not have a right to request early termination of this product before maturity. (10) Currency risk – If the Settlement Currency is not your home currency, and you choose to convert it back to your home currency upon maturity, you may make a gain or loss due to exchange rate fluctuations. (11) Risks relating to Renminbi – Where the Settlement Currency is in Renminbi, you should note that the value of Renminbi against other foreign currencies fluctuates and will be affected by, amongst other things, the PRC government’s control (for example, the PRC government regulates conversion between Renminbi and foreign currencies), which may adversely affect your return under this product when you convert Renminbi into your home currency. Renminbi is not freely convertible at present. The actual conversion arrangement will depend on the restrictions prevailing at the relevant time.
Risk Disclosure Statements for Currency-Linked Deposit (“CLD”)
(1) CLD is NOT equivalent to time deposit. It is NOT protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong. (2) Investing in CLD is not the same as buying the Linked Currency directly. During the Deposit Period, you have no rights in the Linked Currency, and movements in the exchange rate of the Linked Currency may not lead to any corresponding change in your return on CLD. (3) CLD involves risks, including but not limited to derivatives risk, market risk, liquidity risk, credit risk of the Bank, currency risk, risks relating to Renminbi and risks of early termination by the Bank. (4) The maximum potential gain is limited. (5) CLD is NOT principal protected and you could lose all of your deposit amount. (6) Currency-Linked Deposit is not covered by the Hong Kong Investor Compensation Fund.
Risk Disclosure Statements for Investment Funds
(1) Investment Funds are not equivalent to time deposits or its substitute and provide no guarantee of return or yield on investment. (2) Investors should note that investment involves risk and past performance is not indicative of future performance. The price of the Investment Funds may go down as well as up and may become valueless. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profits made as a result of investing in Investment Funds. In the worst case scenario, the value of the Investment Funds may be substantially less than your investment amount. (3) Investors should consider their own investment objectives, financial resources and relevant circumstances, and read the relevant offering document, terms and conditions and risk disclosure statement before making any investment decision. (4) Investors should carefully read the relevant fund's offering documents (including the investment policy and risk factors stated therein) in details before making any investment decision. If needed, investors should seek independent professional advice.
Risk Disclosure Statements relating to the Robo 360 Advisory Services
(1) Using Robo 360 Advisory Services involve investment risks, market risks, partial execution risks, termination/suspension of Robo 360 Advisory Services, regulatory risks, investment strategy risks, diversification risks, performance risks and limitation of historical data. (2) Whilst the Bank may provide Rebalancing Alerts as it may determine appropriate after its review or upon occurrence of specific events, the Bank will not execute any Rebalancing Instruction automatically. If the investor does not provide Rebalancing Instructions to the Bank or there is any delay in providing such Rebalancing Instructions, the Selected Portfolio may become no longer suitable for the investor and the investor shall bear such consequences. (3) Portfolios construction and rebalancing are generated by a model-driven process according to the portfolio construction and methodologies set out by the Bank. The model is algorithm- and rule-based instead of attempting to recommend positon taking with respect to the direction of markets. Please refer to Robo 360 Advisory Service Supplemental Terms and Conditions for more details about important information and risk disclosures.
Risk Disclosure Statements for Bonds
(1) Investment involves risk. The prices of bonds can fluctuate, sometimes dramatically. The price of bonds may move up or down, and may become valueless. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profit made as a result of buying and selling bonds. (2) Investing in this product is not equivalent to time deposit. This product is not a protected deposit and is not protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong. (3) Default/ Credit risk - There is a risk that the issuer may fail to pay you the interest or principal as scheduled. In the worst case scenario, you may not be able to receive back the interest and principal if the issuer defaults on the bond. (4) Interest rate risk - When the interest rate rises, the price of a fixed rate bond will normally drop. (5) Exchange rate risk - If your bond is denominated in a foreign currency, you may face an exchange rate risk if you choose to convert payments made on bond to your home currency. (6) Liquidity risk - If you need to sell the bonds before maturity for an urgent cash-flow need or use the capital for other investments, you may not be able to do this since the liquidity of the secondary bond market could be low. If you choose to sell your bond before it matures, you may lose part or all of your investment. (7) Reinvestment risk - If you hold a callable bond, when the interest rate goes down, the issuer may redeem the bond before maturity. If this happens and you have to re-invest the proceeds, you may not be able to enjoy the same rates of return. (8) Equity risk - If your bond is "convertible" or "exchangeable", you also face equity risk associated with the stock. A fall in the stock price will usually follow by a fall in the bond price.
Risk Disclosure Statements for Equity-Linked Investments (“ELI”)
(1) Equity-linked Investment (ELI) is a structured product and complex investment products involving derivatives. You should exercise caution in relation to this product. (2) ELI is not equivalent to time deposits or its substitute and provide no guarantee of return or yield on investment. It is NOT protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong. (3) ELI is NOT principal protected and is NOT secured by any asset or collateral. In the worst case scenario, you could lose all of your investment. (4) The maximum potential gain may be limited. It is possible that you may not receive any potential distribution amount for the entire scheduled tenor of this product. You may, at settlement, receive physical delivery of reference asset(s). (5) Investing in ELI is not the same as investing in the reference assets. During the investment period, you have no rights in the reference asset(s). Changes in the market price of the reference asset may not lead to a corresponding change in the market value of, or your potential payout of the product. (6) If you invest in ELI, they are relying upon the creditworthiness of the issuer and, as the case may be, the guarantor and no other person. You may get nothing back if the issuer and/or the guarantor becomes insolvent or defaults in performing its obligations in relation to the product. (7) ELI involves risks, including but not limited to re-investment risk, risks of early termination, limited market making arrangements, conflict of interest, market risk, liquidity risk, currency/exchange rate risk and risks relating to Renminbi. (8) The price or value of the ELIs may move up or down, and may even become valueless. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profit made as a result of subscribing for, buying and selling the ELIs. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. (9) If the ELI is linked to US underlyings, you should also take note on the relevant risks, such as risks relating to difference in trading days and hours and their implications, taxation risks and certain information about the linked stocks may be available in English only. (10) Before making any investment decision, you should read and understand the relevant offering documents for details and the risks involved and carefully consider your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. You should seek independent professional advice if needed. (11) ELI is unlisted and not covered by the Hong Kong Investor Compensation Fund. (12) SFC authorization is not a recommendation or endorsement of a product nor does it guarantee the commercial merits of a product or its performance. (13) Limited market making arrangements are available and you may suffer a loss if you sell your ELIs before expiry - ELIs are designed to be held until expiry. If you try to sell your ELIs before expiry, the amount you receive for each ELI may be substantially less than your original investment amount. (14) Potential and actual conflicts of interest may arise from the different roles played by the issuer and its subsidiaries and affiliates in connection with the Product, which may be adverse to your interest in the Product.
Risk Disclosure Statement for Structured Notes (“SN”, also known as Private Placement Note, “PPN”)
(1) Structured Notes (SN) are a structured products and complex investment products involving derivatives. You should exercise caution in relation to this product and seek independent professional advice when necessary before making investment decisions. (2) SN is unauthorized by any regulatory authority in Hong Kong. Relevant offering documents have not been reviewed by the SFC and you are advised to exercise caution on this product. (3) SN is only available to professional investors. (4) SN is not equivalent to time deposits or its substitute and provide no guarantee of return or yield on investment. It is NOT protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong. (5) SN is NOT principal protected and is NOT secured by any asset or collateral. In the worst case scenario, you could lose all of your investment. (6) If you invest in SN, they are relying upon the creditworthiness of the issuer and, as the case may be, the guarantor and no other person. Investors may get nothing back if the issuer and/or the guarantor becomes insolvent or defaults in performing its obligations in relation to the product. (7) Limited market making arrangements are available and you may suffer a loss if you sell your SNs before expiry - SNs are designed to be held until expiry. If you try to sell your SNs before expiry, the amount you receive for each SN may be substantially less than your original investment amount. (8) Before making any investment decision, you should read and understand the relevant offering documents for details and the risks involved and carefully consider your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. You should seek independent professional advice if needed. (9) SN is unlisted and not covered by the Investor Compensation Fund. (10) The maximum potential gain may be limited. It is possible that you may not receive any potential distribution amount for the entire scheduled tenor of this product. You may, at settlement, receive physical delivery of reference asset(s). (11) Investing in SN is not the same as investing in the reference assets. During the investment period, you have no rights in the reference asset(s). Changes in the market price of the reference asset may not lead to a corresponding change in the market value of, or your potential payout of the product. (12) Potential and actual conflicts of interest may arise from the different roles played by the issuer and its subsidiaries and affiliates in connection with the Product, which may be adverse to your interest in the Product. (13) SN involves risks, including but not limited to, liquidity risk, market risk, exposure to market price movements in case of physical delivery of underlying stock, currency/exchange rate risk, risks relating to RMB, discretion of the calculation agent, potential conflict of interest, settlement disruption, early termination/redemption, hedging risk, no claim against any reference item and extraordinary events. (14) The price or value of the SN may move up or down, and may even become valueless. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profit made as a result of subscribing for, buying and selling the SN. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
Risk Disclosure Statements for Foreign Currency
Foreign currency investments are subject to exchange rate risk which may result in gain or loss. The fluctuation in the exchange rate of foreign currency may result in losses in the event that customer converts the foreign currency into HKD or other foreign currencies. Renminbi is not freely convertible at present. The actual conversion arrangement will depend on the restrictions prevailing at the relevant time.
This promotional material does not itself constitute an offer of, or an invitation by or on behalf of the Bank to any person to purchase or acquire or invest in any investment products.
China CITIC Bank International Limited is an authorized institution under the Banking Ordinance and is regulated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Please visit for more details.
This promotional material is issued by China CITIC Bank International Limited. Its contents have not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong.