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Deposit Services

Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) and Foreign Currencies Time Deposits

China CITIC Bank International offers a wide range of fixed time deposit products with various deposit tenors and competitive interest rates, which are available in HKD and 11 other major foreign currencies, namely:

  • Australian Dollar (AUD)
  • British Pound (GBP)
  • Canadian Dollar (CAD)
  • Euro (EUR)
  • Japanese Yen (JPY)
  • New Zealand Dollar (NZD)
  • Norwegian Kroner (NOK)
  • Renminbi (RMB)
  • Singapore Dollar (SGD)
  • Swiss Franc (CHF)
  • US Dollar (USD)

Structured Deposits

If you are looking for ways to make your money work harder and to maximise the interest return on your deposits, our structured deposits may be the right solution for you.

Currency-Linked Deposit (CLD)

A CLD offers potentially higher yields by linking the returns of a foreign currency time deposit to the performance of another currency (the “linked currency”). Upon maturity of the time deposit, depending on the then exchange rate of the two concerned currencies, customer will receive the deposit principal plus an enhanced interest, either in the original currency or in the linked currency (exchanged at the pre-determined exchange rate).

Structured Deposit Linked with FX performance

Structured Deposit Linked with FX performance is similar to a normal time deposit except that its interest rate return depends on the performance of other currency / currency pairs. Upon maturity of deposit, the customer can get up to 100% of principal in the original currency, plus various degrees of protected interest depending on the structure of the deal.

Risk Disclosure Statements

  1. The high yield of Currency-Linked Deposit ("CLD") is effectively the sum of the interest received from the time deposit and the premium from writing a currency option with inherent risks.
  2. CLD is not a traditional time deposit or its substitute and provides no guarantee of return or yield on investment. The net return in relation to CLD will depend on market conditions prevailing at the Fixing Time on the Fixing Date.
  3. The Linked Currency received may be subject to currency devaluation risk. The loss due to currency devaluation may offset the interest earned on the CLD and may even result in signigicant losses in the principal amount of the deposit. There is a risk that losses may be incurred rather than profit made as a result of establishing and CLD.
  4. The return on a CLD is limited to the interest payment thereon. This is the case even if your view of the exchange rate movement of the currencies concerned is correct.
  5. Interest of any CLD will accrue only during the period between the Deposit Start Date and the Deposit Maturity Date inclusive.
  6. Early uplift of CLD is not allowed once it has been entered into.
  7. You should carefully consider whether such an investment is suitable for you in light of your financial position, risk tolerance level and investment objectives and experience. Should there be any uncertainties or concerns about the product features and risk nature of CLD, or any aspect of the risk disclosure statement or Terms and Conditions for CLD, you should seek independent professional advice.
  8. CLD is not a protected deposit and is not protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong.

The Bank has taken reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the above information at the time of its preparation. It is however for information purposes only and does not constitute any offer or solicitation or advice regarding the CLD services. The Bank reserves the right to change the terms and conditions for the CLD services offered from time to time. In case of revision, notice would be delivered in advance to the affected customers and all transactions entered before the effective date of revision would not be affected.

Principle Protected Currency-Linked Deposit (PPCLD)

A PPCLD is similar to a normal time deposit except that its interest rate return depends on the performance of other currency / currency pairs. Upon maturity of deposit, customer will get 100% of principal in the original currency, plus various degrees of protected interest.


The above are structured products involving derivatives. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in the product unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives.

The above structured deposits are not equivalent to time deposit and are not protected deposits and are not protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong.

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