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Our wide range of investment products helps you to grasp investment opportunities to reach the goals.
Some of the investment products are structured products involving derivatives. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in the product unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives.
For Best Execution Policy, please click here for details.
For methodology adopted for assessing and assigning ratings to investment products, and explanation on investment product risk level, please click here for details.
Should you have any queries, please contact Customer Service Hotline at 2287 6767 or visit any of our branches.
Stay abreast of the latest market trends to make smart investment decisions
A team of Foreign Exchange experts to provide you the most up-to-date market information.
New visions of investment with easy access to 3 securities markets.
Over 1,700 fund choices: from stable bond funds to more aggressive equity funds.
A team of Foreign Exchange experts to provide you the most up-to-date market information.
Grow Your Wealth with Diversified Renminbi Investment Products.
Investment involves risks and value of investments may go up as well as down. Past performance of investment products may not be indicative of future performance. It is likely that losses will be incurred rather than profits made as a result of buying and selling of investment products.
Investors should carefully consider whether the relevant investment product or service is appropriate for them in view of their investment experience, objectives, financial resources and other personal circumstances. You should not invest in the investment products based on this webpage only. Before making any investment decision, investors should refer to the relevant offering document and risk disclosure statements and seek professional advice where needed.
This webpage does not itself constitute any offer of, or invitation by or on behalf of China CITIC Bank International Limited (the "Bank") to any person to purchase or sell or acquire or invest in any investment products.
The Bank is an authorized institution under the Banking Ordinance and is regulated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.
This webpage is issued by the Bank. Its contents have not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong.
Be served by our professional staff at our branches, or opt for self-service banking via our automated channels — the choice is yours.
We offer a range of rewarding careers from trainee to management level.
Tap into the vast resources and network of our parent bank China CITIC Bank and our ultimate shareholder, CITIC Group Corporation.