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And protect yourself – after all, it is illegal not to insure him or her. And the whole family can sleep more easily.
Domestic helpers offer great support for today's hectic lifestyles. They look after our home, our family and help ease the burdens of daily life. If you have a domestic helper, the law requires you to have employee compensation insurance for him or her. This also protects you against unexpected healthcare costs in the event that your domestic helper falls sick or has an accident.
This policy does not cover any loss or liability directly or indirectly arising as a result of or in connection with:
For full details of coverage and exclusions, please refer to terms and conditions of policy.
Important Notes
Zurich Insurance Company Ltd (hereafter “Zurich”) is the insurance underwriter of the insurance plan, and is solely responsible for all coverage and compensation. The insurance plan is a product of Zurich but not China CITIC Bank International Ltd. Zurich is not a subsidiary or an affiliate of China CITIC Bank International Ltd. China CITIC Bank International Ltd. is registered in accordance with the Insurance Ordinance (Cap. 41 of the Laws of Hong Kong) as an appointed licensed insurance agency of Zurich for distribution of general insurance products in the Hong Kong SAR.
In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between China CITIC Bank International Ltd. and the customer out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, China CITIC Bank International Ltd. is required to enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer.
The information contained herein is for reference only and does not constitute any part of the insurance contract. For full terms and conditions and exclusions, please refer to the policy document which shall prevail in case of inconsistency. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail. Zurich Insurance Company Ltd reserves the right of final approval and decision on all matters.
Be served by our professional staff at our branches, or opt for self-service banking via our automated channels — the choice is yours.
We offer a range of rewarding careers from trainee to management level.
Tap into the vast resources and network of our parent bank China CITIC Bank and our ultimate shareholder, CITIC Group Corporation.