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Established in April 2005, CITIC Insurance Brokers Limited ("CIBL") is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China CITIC Bank International Limited ("CNCBI"). CIBL is an insurance intermediary licensed by the Insurance Authority and a member of the Hong Kong Confederation of Insurance Brokers, dedicated to providing quality insurance consultancy services for CNCBI and its customers.
CIBL's goal is to exceed our clients' expectations by anticipating their needs and offering quality after sales support. We listen to what they want to achieve and help them succeed.
CIBL compares products from different providers to help customers devise the most suitable insurance plans.
Be served by our professional staff at our branches, or opt for self-service banking via our automated channels — the choice is yours.
We offer a range of rewarding careers from trainee to management level.
Tap into the vast resources and network of our parent bank China CITIC Bank and our ultimate shareholder, CITIC Group Corporation.